31XCONFG.TXT Technical Information Document (TID) # 2926242 II. Configuring IPX6.X on NetWare 3.1x ====================================== IMPORTANT: This is strictly a command based configuration. The configuration utility, INETCFG, does not ship with native NetWare 3.11 and 3.12; therefore, only the command based configuration is documented below. Sample configurations of the changes to make to your AUTOEXEC.NCF file are also provided following the explanations. If you are doing load balancing, refer to 3BALANCE.TXT. Loading Files ------------- This section presents the minimum set of LOAD commands required to enable or disable IPX routing on a NetWare server. Make certain you load all required NLMs before binding IPX to any network interface. The following NLMs represent the minimum set required for NLSP operation: IPXRTR.NLM IPX protocol stack that contains the NLSP and RIP/SAP routing software. IPXSTACK.NLM Patch that provides the NetWare 4 loadable router interface for NetWare 3. All other required NLMs will be loaded automatically by these files. IMPORTANT: A third NLM, IPXRTRNM, provides the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) instrumentation for IPX, NLSP, RIP, and SAP Management Information Base (MIB) variables. IPXRTRNM allows you to monitor the server from a remote location using the IPX network management console (IPXCON) or other SNMP management systems. Although IPXRTRNM is not required for NLSP operation, Novell recommends that you load it as part of the server configuration. Note that IPXRTRNM automatically loads SNMP.NLM and CLIB.NLM; make sure the server has enough memory to run these additional NLMs. About IPXRTR IPXRTR contains the NLSP and RIP/SAP routing software. The LOAD IPXRTR command supports the ROUTING parameter, with which you can specify the following options: ROUTING=NLSP enables NLSP routing (with RIP/SAP compatibility). If IPXRTR detects RIP routers on the network, it automatically runs RIP/SAP in addition to NLSP. Refer to 3BALANCE.TXT for the specific commands to configure load balancing. ROUTING=RIPSAP enables RIP/SAP routing, the default setting. In this case, IPXRTR operates like a typical RIP/SAP router. ROUTING=NONE disables all IPX routing on the server. IMPORTANT: As a normal part of its operation, a NetWare server forwards IPX packets between its network interfaces. With ROUTING=NONE enabled, the server still performs its duties as a server, but broadcasts only its own services and internal network number - not those associated with its network interfaces. (A server operating in this way is sometimes called a multihomed server.) Use ROUTING=NONE only if you do not want the server to forward packets between its interfaces. Also, do not use ROUTING=NONE in a network running only NLSP. Loading IPXRTR without specifying one of these options enables RIP/SAP routing by default. By default, NLSP broadcasts its packets on an IPX network. NLSP uses broadcast as its default transmission mode because some LAN drivers do not properly support packet multicast. You can, however, configure NLSP to use multicast transmission. For this purpose, the LOAD IPXRTR command supports the MCAST parameter, with which you can specify the following options: MCAST=YES enables NLSP packet multicast on the server. MCAST=NO the default option, enables NLSP packet broadcast on the server. Loading IPXRTR without the MCAST parameter specifies broadcast transmission by default. NOTE: IPXRTR detects the NLSP packet transmission mode of other systems on the LAN. Even if you load IPXRTR with MCAST=YES, IPXRTR automatically reverts to broadcast if it discovers another system using broadcast. LOAD Commands Required on a NetWare 3.12 Server ----------------------------------------------- To run IPX6.X, on a NetWare 3 server, add the following lines to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF (before the BIND IPX statements): LOAD IPXSTACK LOAD IPXRTR LOAD IPXRTRNM (Recommended but not required) Without the ROUTING parameter, the LOAD IPXRTR command enables only RIP/SAP routing. To enable NLSP routing, replace the above LOAD IPXRTR command as follows: LOAD IPXRTR ROUTING=NLSP Binding IPX to a Network Interface ---------------------------------- The command for binding IPX to a network interface is: BIND IPX boardname NET=network_number The variable boardname is the name of the network interface board associated with the LAN driver; network_number is the external network number of the IPX network to which the interface is connected. You can override the routing default you specify in the LOAD IPXRTR command by adding one of the following options to the BIND command line: RIP=YES | NO | AUTO SAP=YES | NO | AUTO NLSP=YES| NO NOTE: You cannot, however, enable NLSP on an interface after you have disabled NLSP routing from the LOAD IPXRTR command. These options have the following meaning: - YES enables RIP, SAP, or NLSP routing on the network interface. - NO disables RIP, SAP, or NLSP routing on the network interface. - AUTO accepts and broadcasts RIP or SAP packets only if non - NLSP devices, such as NetWare 2 servers, are operating on the network. IMPORTANT: Specific BIND command lines are required for interfaces connected to networks running UnixWare, OS/2 Named Pipes, and NetWare/IP. For configuration instructions, see the "IPX Upgrade for NetWare Servers 1.1 NLSP Migration Guide". SAMPLE CONFIGURATIONS --------------------- This section provides sample configurations for IPX Upgrade for NetWare Servers. Each sample shows the commands you add to the server AUTOEXEC.NCF file. RIP/SAP Routing on a NetWare 3.12 Server ---------------------------------------- This sample configuration eanbles RIP/SAP routing on a NetWare 3.12 server. This is the most basic configuration, which replaces the standard RIP/SAP operation with that provided by IPX Upgrade for NetWare Servers, but adds server and network monitoring capability: LOAD IPXSTACK LOAD IPXRTR LOAD IPXRTRNM #Load and bind LAN board LOAD NE3200 SLOT=3 FRAME=ETHERNET_II NAME=ORDER_ENTRY_NET BIND IPX ORDER_ENTRY_NET NET=C9971223 NLSP Routing on a NetWare 3.12 Server ------------------------------------- In addition to enabling NLSP routing on a NetWare 3.12 server, this sample configuration loads IPXRTRNM to provide server and network monitoring capability: LOAD IPXSTACK LOAD IPXRTR ROUTING=NLSP LOAD IPXRTRNM #Load and bind LAN board LOAD NE3200 SLOT=3 FRAME=ETHERNET_II NAME=ORDER_ENTRY_NET BIND IPX ORDER_ENTRY_NET NET=C9971223 IPX Routing Disabled on a NetWare 3.12 Server --------------------------------------------- This sample configuration disables IPX routing on a NetWare 3.12 server. Disabling IPX routing makes more computing resources available for NetWare file and print services. This is useful when you already have a dedicated IPX router on the network The AUTOEXEC.NCF file on the file server looks like this: LOAD IPXSTACK #ROUTING=NONE disables all IPX routing LOAD IPXRTR ROUTING=NONE LOAD IPXRTRNM #Load and bind LAN boards LOAD NE3200 SLOT=3 FRAME=ETHERNET_II NAME=ORDER_ENTRY_NET BIND IPX ORDER_ENTRY_NET NET=C9971223 LOAD NE2000 SLOT=4 FRAME=ETHERNET_SNAP NAME=MANUFACTURING_NET BIND IPX MANUFACTURING_NET NET=C997F13A LSP Size Parameter ------------------ Note: NetWare 3.12 and 3.11 servers do not have a SYS:ETC\NLSP.CFG file installed, by default. The LSP Size can be increased/decreased in this file. With IPXRTR v6.60, when a NLSP.CFG file does not exist, the LSP Size default is 1024. (In versions prior to IPXRTR v6.5, the LSP Size default was 512.) ACTIVATING THE CONFIGURATION ---------------------------- To activate the configuration, bring down and then restart the server. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------