FixScalos is a patch for Scalos 1.2d to avoid crashes during screenmode changes. Scalos 1.2d still tries to release some pens of the screens colormap even when the Workbench is closing and has already removed and freed some data structures. This has the bad effect that calling the ReleasePen() function leads to accessing invalid pointers and reading random data. The same happens with GraphicsReserved1(). In order to avoid the crashes which are caused by this incorrect behaviour of Scalos 1.2d in conjunction with the v1.3 iconobject system files this FixScalos patch disables the ReleasePen() function as long as the Workbench screen is closed. It also checks some of the pointers for invalid addresses and aborts all function calls if the addresses are negative, odd or zero. Since Scalos 1.2d has simply disabled the workbench.library function for updating icons which is called WorkbenchPrivate1(), I've written an emulation to reinstall it. This should fix problems with IconMaster. Installation: Just copy FixScalos into the C: directory of your system and start it with Run from the bottom of your startup-sequence like: ..... LoadWB Run >NIL: C:FixScalos EndCLI