The Incredible 1.44M Demo QNX Demo Disk
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Modem Version

Welcome to the modem version of the QNX Demo Disk. This page has all you need to create or update your own web-ready demo!

Select which operating system you're running:

System Requirements

To run the demo, your PC needs only the following:

Processor 386 or better
Video Color VGA or better
Memory 8M or more
Modem Plug-and-Play, PCMCIA, or connected to COM1, 2, 3, or 4
Mouse Serial, bus, or PS/2
Hard disk Not needed ;-)

If you're running QNX, BSD, Linux, Solaris, Unix...

Download from:

  1. Download the qnxdemo.tar archive to your local machine, then type:

    tar -xf qnxdemo.tar

    to extract the following files from the archive:

    qnxdemo.doc instructions for making a QNX demo disk
    qnxdemo.dat the data to be written to the disk
    makedemo a shell script to make the disk

  2. Make sure the floppy driver is running. If you're using QNX, you can start the driver simply by logging in as root and typing:

    Fsys.floppy &

  3. Insert a preformatted 3.5" 1.44M disk into floppy drive A and launch the command:


    The makedemo command will write the QNX demo to drive A.

  4. When makedemo completes (i.e. the light in the floppy drive goes out), leave the floppy in drive A and reset your computer. The demo will do the rest!

Pointer Make sure the floppy disk is preformatted.

If your computer doesn't have a 3.5" floppy drive configured as drive A, you will need to reconfigure your hardware or BIOS to allow it to boot from that drive.

If you're running DOS, OS/2, or Windows 95/98/NT/3.1...

Download from:

  1. Download the archive to your local machine, then use PKUNZIP to extract the following files:

    README.TXT instructions for making a QNX demo disk
    QNXDEMO.DAT the data to be written to the disk
    INSTALL.BAT a batch file to make the disk
    MAKEDISK.EXE a program to write the QNX demo to the disk

  2. Insert a preformatted 3.5" 1.44M floppy into floppy drive A and run the batch file, INSTALL.BAT. This file will write the QNX demo to drive A.

  3. When INSTALL.BAT completes (i.e. the light in the floppy drive goes out), leave the floppy in drive A and restart your computer. The demo will do the rest!

Pointer Make sure the floppy disk is preformatted.

If your computer doesn't have a 3.5" floppy drive configured as drive A, you will need to reconfigure your hardware or BIOS to allow it to boot from that drive.

Want to update your existing demo?

The latest version of the 1.44M QNX Demo is v4. To see which version you're running, go to the demo's opening screen. If you're running a previous version, it's time for an update! Just follow the instructions for installing on QNX, BSD, Linux, Solaris, Unix or on DOS, OS/2, Windows.


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