The DOOMstone Benchmark Filename: doom.release Last updated June 13, 1995 As a realtime OS vendor, QNX Software Systems recognizes that the performance of an OS is relevant to applications hosted on that OS. In order to assist realtime application developers with the selection of an OS, benchmarking tools are routinely used to measure the performance of the OS. A benchmark that has recently become increasingly significant is the DOOMstone. In order to facilitate the use of this important benchmark during performance evaluations of QNX, we are pleased to announce that a native port of DOOM to QNX is now available. This port runs on the VGA console, under the Photon microkernel GUI, and under the QNX X Window system. Thanks to the Photon architecture, a live DOOM session can be dragged from the screen of one machine onto the screen of another machine on the LAN, or even left half displayed on one and half on the other (try that on a Macintosh :-). QNX DOOM is compiled to support Pentium optimizations with the Watcom C compiler. It supports sound effects, music, and multiplayer use through network connections, utilizing realtime IPC to preserve the video/audio synchronization so important to "virtual reality" environments. DOOM for QNX is available for anonymous ftp from The files needed to install and run DOOM on QNX are: /usr/free/qnx4/games/qnxdoom.tar.gz - Console, Photon and X Window versions of QNX DOOM. doom1.wad.gz - DOOM v1.666 wad file. (in the above archive) qnxdoom.faq - Installation instructions and other details (in the above archive) We're very grateful to id Software for their support in this important matter. :-)